We're so glad you found us! Please take a look and consider how you can help us support our Troops!
We take your generosity very seriously. As a non-profit with no paid staff, you can be assured that your gifts are used appropriately to support the mission of BSMA, Inc. Cash donations are used in the following main areas:
Care Package Postage: Our #1 need for cash donations is to pay shipping costs on our care packages.
Care Package Supplies: We rely heavily on donated goods, but we supplement as needed from our cash reserves to make sure our troops receive packages that are stuffed full!
Troop Support: At this time we are not permitted to assist individuals, but we do support other non-profit organizations who do.
BSMA Convention: As an all-volunteer VSO, the annual convention is the only means we have of meeting to conduct the business of the organization. The national organization relies on delegates from each chapter being present to update Governing Documents, receive education regarding updated IRS regulations and compliance, elect new officers, and build support and good will between the chapters. Costs are kept to a minimum, and delegates often shoulder much of the expense on their own. Our chapter would like to assist its delegates so that it is not a burden for them to attend Convention.
General Expenses: We work hard to keep costs such as our post office box and bank expenses to a minimum.
If you would like to designate a specific area in which your gift is to be used, you are welcome to do so, and funds will be reserved for that purpose. All gifts received without a designation will be used at the discretion of the chapter. You will receive a donation receipt for all gifts over $25. Gifts given to a 501(c)3 non-profit organization are generally tax deductible, but you should consult your tax preparer.
Donations may be made online through PayPal, Venmo, by mail, or at any of our events.
Mailing Address:
Mid-Cal Blue Star Moms
P.O. Box 1745
Oakdale, CA 95361