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On January 22, 1942 the Flint News Advertiser printed a coupon asking mothers of servicemen to return the coupon after filling it out. They received 1000 responses so it was decided to form a permanent organization. The next month 300 mothers met in the Durant Hotel in Flint, Michigan, and the organization was read into the Congressional Record, The organization was officially chartered by Congress in 1960, and the charter was updated in 2011. Today there are approximately 180 chapters across the country.
Chapters across the country support troops and veterans in their area. We support Veteran health care facilities, families of fallen heroes, Red Cross military support, and other service organizations. We provide troop care packages and letters; we volunteer at military and veteran events; and we honor blue- to gold-star programs.The Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. We are a non-partisan, non-political, non-sectarian organization.

You may be familiar with the "blue star" service banners that were flown in family windows during WWII. They were prominent in the movie Saving Private Ryan. This banner actually had its roots in WWI, but the current flag design was approved by the Department of Defense in 1966.
It became traditional for a gold star to be overlaid against the blue star to indicate the death of a family member while in military service. A silver star is used to indicate injury, and a veterans flag is also in use.
The number of stars indicates the number of children each family has in service. If a gold star is displayed with blue stars, it has a place of honor at the top. The flag may be oriented horizontally or vertically, depending on the rotation of the star (the single point should always be on top).
More information can be found at the following sites:

In 2013 there were inquiries to the National Officers from both Oakdale and Modesto in regard to establishing a new chapter in the Central Valley area. Informational meetings were held until enough members agreed to serve as the initial chapter officers. The chapter was chartered on August 24, 2014 to serve the needs of Stanislaus, San Joaquin, and Tuolumne Counties. We recognized that this is too large of an area for a small chapter to adequately serve, so we were hopeful that as we grow "sister" chapters would break off, and the area will be divided among chapters who will work together to fulfill the mission of Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. That goal was partially realized when we helped chapters form in both the Stockton and Lodi/Elk Grove areas. Unfortunately, those chapters have since closed.
We currently meet on the 2nd Monday of each month. Please check the Home page or our Facebook page for the current meeting place and time.
Our 501(c)3 status is held through the umbrella of our National organization. Our chapter tax ID is 37-1762014. Tax Receipts are provided for all donations over $25 or upon request. Please contact us if you have further questions or if you would like to receive a W-9 or other documentation of our status.
Contact Us
Email us! Emails will be delivered securely to our chapter email inbox.
Mid-Cal Blue Star Moms
P.O. Box 1745
Oakdale, CA 95361
(209) 336-3221